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Salesforce for Voice is the New Path to Higher Sales and Business Growth

Rajat Kesarwani

By Rajat Kesarwani| Tusday, June 18, 2019 14:08 PM | 4 min read


  • Salesforce Einstein Voice, a revolutionary development for Salesforce CRM users.
  • Users can update data without typing. The voice technology timely briefs users with tasks and info.
  • Salesforce integration with AI is proving to benefits sales and marketing companies.
  • Salesforce for Voice integrates with Apple’s Siri, Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

“There's 20 years of investment in the Salesforce Platform and Einstein Voice, and Einstein Voice Assistant is really about bringing new user experience to our platform.” – Michael Machodo, Salesforce Senior Director of Einstein Voice.

Salesforce for voice is a 2-year anniversary tribute to Salesforce Einstein. It is a customizable voice assistant, almost like a miracle for businesses that are into sales and marketing. It is an upgrade to the way we interacted with our CRM systems. The voice technology is a result of excellent work with AI. The frequency of information, the accuracy of data transmission and the authenticity of the product are a few most important factors that has convinced businesses to go for this new introduction by Salesforce.

Einstein Thinks and Advices You on What to Do Next to Help Your Business

The technology is presented in two types; Einstein Voice Assistant and Einstein Voice Bots. They both work differently. The following points show the difference between them:

Voice Assistant Voice Bots
  • This is the first voice product by Salesforce.
  • This is the second voice product by Salesforce.
  • You can update conversations to Salesforce and the technology would work with AI.
  • This is for your customers. They can interact with the bot through Google Assistant, Siri or Alexa.
  • It offers Einstein Analytics, Einstein Opportunity, Einstein Prediction Builder and more.
  • Your customers will be able to ask questions through their smart devices and they would receive the answer from a bot.
  • It suggests new work strategies.
  • Users can get daily briefings, to-do lists and more, voice activated.
  • Questions can be asked instead of typed.
  • Salesforce Einstein bots is an optional service.
  • In our earlier blog, ‘The Salesforce Lightning Platform Update NowTargets Mobile Apps, AI and IoT’ we talked about how Salesforce was planning to integrate AI to the platform in order to improve its services. Well, the Salesforce for voice is the perfect example for it. Voice activation of data helps your sales representatives to direct their entire focus on selling, marketing and servicing customers. Salesforce has made the interaction between humans and computers seamless with Einstein Voice Assistant. The customizable voice assistant can understand terms such as, “next year”. It needs verbal dictation to understand the kind of updates you require for better functioning with Salesforce. There is no need to text or email anymore when you have the Einstein Voice Assistant with you. The product is intelligent, it automatically finds relevant records and updates fields that required updating. It creates follow-ups and also sends out notifications when required.

    Enhance Productivity Sell More Do More. Einstein Voice Assistant is a Game Changer.

    Sales reps are going to be benefited more than anybody else with the Salesforce for Voice product. The time that took to make those important notes can be better utilized. Einstein Voice Assistant also offers ease in dashboard navigation, getting regular updates while you are occupied with something else, and it is limited to use. The voice system is not enabled for certain features where voice assistant is not required, such as admin console.

    It’s time to start talking more now, and if you already love talking the product is made for you. The most satisfying factor about the product is that you can customize actions according to your preferences. This is exactly why AI is taking over. Salesforce’s decision to integrate with AI has proven to be one of their wisest moves in history.

    Rajat Kesarwani
    About the Author Rajat Kesarwani is the CEO of Dreamstel Technologies. With over 15 years of experience in maintaining business relations with esteemed companies across the US and Australia, Mr. Kesarwani has earned an excellent reputation in the IT industry. He has been offering advanced technology services to businesses that require any kind of IT solution. His expert services at Dreamstel includes developing and introducing next-generation apps and spreading awareness about Salesforce. His objective is to reach out to companies in need of advanced technology solutions, and he has been successfully moving ahead in the right direction to do so, through Dreamstel Technologies.